
Donante de Médula Ósea

Si te diagnosticaran leucemia, hay más de un 70% de probabilidades de que no puedas encontrar un pariente tuyo compatible. Hazte donante y convence a otras personas para que hagan lo mismo, para que ningún enfermo muera por no tener donante compatible. Es fácil y puede salvar vidas. Para más información:

– Centro de Transfusion de la Comunidad Valenciana

– Plan Nacional de Donación de Médula Ósea: Teléfono 900102688

– Fundación José Carreras

Bone Marrow Donor

If you were diagnosed with leukaemia, there is a 70% chance that none of your relatives would be a compatible donor. Become a bone marrow donor so no leukaemia patient dies because no suitable donor is found. Being a bone marrow donor is easy and saves lives. For more information:

– Check Bone Marrow Donors Worldwide to find Bone Marrow Donor institutions in your country.

– Fundación José Carreras

Electrimacs 2014

Electrimacs 2014

The 11th triennial international conference of the IMACS TC1 Committee will be held in Valencia in May 2014 and follows previous successful conferences held since 1984. Electrimacs 2014 is a meeting point for researchers in the field of Modelling and Simulation of Electric Machines, Converters and Systems and is sponsored by IMACS, the EPE Association, the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society and the IEEE IES-PELS Spanish Joint Chapter.

Electrimacs 2019

The 13th international conference of the IMACS TC1 Committee will be held in Salerno, from the 21st to the 23rd of May 2019 and follows previous successful conferences held since 1984. Electrimacs 2019 is a meeting point for researchers in the field of Modelling and Simulation of Electric Machines, Converters and Systems and is sponsored by IMACS, the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, the Institut Français and the Universitá degli Studi di Salerno.